Ann Korologos Gallery present Transitions, a group exhibition inviting the viewer to step through the seasons through the styles and mediums by 40 contemporary western artists. Transitions is on view September 15 to October 19, 2022 at Ann Korologos Gallery in Historic downtown Basalt, Colorado.
“Frequently, my work shows the Cowgirl as the center of her world surrounded by companions, coworkers and the animals that defined the spirit of the West. Here, she has gathered the dogs, and the horses have gathered themselves behind them, as if she were about to tell them an old story they all know.”
Donna Howell-Sickles
“Autumn is a beautiful time, where glimpses of Summer and Winter intersect into a vibrant, bright, quiet, kaleidoscope of gold and crimson, with snowy mountain peaks in the distance and the last of Summer’s flowers before us,” shares gallery director, Sue Edmonds. “Beyond the season, Transitions is an open interpretation for our artists to explore the changes in the world around us.”
“The subject is a Wyoming state section just north of Laramie. It’s unfenced, so I can walk across the rolling grassland as I please. There are almost always bands of pronghorn, who watch human invaders warily. Over years, perhaps centuries, they have worn paths into the short grass. This painting depicts an evening in spring, when sunlight is about to vanish from the hilltops, and the shadows grow long. The city of Laramie is actually visible in the distance, at the base of the mountains, but I chose not to include it, preferring a more timeless view of the prairie.”
Linda Lillegraven
Local and national painters, sculptors, printmakers, mixed-media artists, and photographers tell the stories and transitions of the West through their unique language and styles. The spacious gallery is located just downstream of Aspen in the charming town of Basalt, Colorado.
“After taking some time away from painting western scenes, I have returned to the genre with the intention to paint larger and to capture the essence of each scene while adding to the reference sources through memory and imagination. I’m trying to create paintings that can serve as visual icons for aspects of life out west, the landscape is so grand and complicated with detail — that artists must make visual simplifications that feel like the whole story.”
Brett Scheifflee
Transitions is on view September 15 to October 19, 2022 at 211 Midland Avenue, Basalt, CO and virtually at For more information, please contact or call (970) 927-9668.
Leon Loughridge – Golden Sentinels 11/23, Woodblock Print, 18 x 12 in