New Orleans artist Allison Stewart has gained national recognition for her large, mixed media paintings that express the restless balance between man and nature. Stewart trained as a biologist and an artist, receiving a B.S. in Biology from Spring Hill College in Mob and an M.F.A from the University of New Orleans. Her work is inspired by landscape imagery, and she takes as her subject fragile environments, cycles of life, and primitive artifacts from past cultures. She uses layers of color, light, form and texture to address issues of beauty and loss, time and transformation.
“Thank God I have my art, my studio and my practice,” replies Allison Stewart when asked how she’s doing. “My studio has always been my sanctuary, so I’m fortunate in having a place to go to with a purpose.”
Stewart’s purpose arrived to Ann Korologos Gallery today in the form of a four-panel quadriptych. “Changing Seasons is about changes in life that I’ve gone through, changes in our lives as Americans. For me, it’s all very personal and I see those changes on a daily basis in nature. The interesting thing for me is that nature knows when to change, and I love that inner knowledge. Nature is programmed to make changes according to certain times of year – temperatures, light, seasons. Especially in Colorado; the seasons are quite pronounced. In New Orleans there are only two seasons: hot and humid; cold and damp.”