(970) 927-9668


Sep 14, 2021
Sherrie York Demonstrates the Reduction Printmaking Process
Printmaker, Sherrie York, shares the reduction linocut printmaking process for Ann Korologos Gallery

Linocut printmaker and naturalist, Sherrie York, visited Ann Korologos Gallery for a printmaking demonstration. The artist shared the reduction linocut printmaking process, showed the different stages of a multi-color prints, and attendees rolled up their sleeves for a hands-on printing experience. Watch the video above for a summary of the demonstration, and enjoy these images from the event!

Sherrie York at In-Person Printmaking Demonstration
Sherrie York visited Ann Korologos Gallery from Maine to explain and demonstrate the linocut printmaking process for event attendees.
Sherrie York Demonstration Block
Sherrie York carved this linoleum block at a linocut printmaking demonstration at Ann Korologos Gallery.
Sherrie York Demonstration
Attendees at an in-person linocut printmaking demonstration with Sherrie York at Ann Korologos Gallery rolled up their sleeves to create and take home their own linocut print.

About Sherrie York

Printmaker, painter and draughtswoman, Sherrie York is an accomplished artist with an international reputation for lyrical and expressive works on paper. The beauty and mysteries she discovers on her walks inspire York’s nature-focused linocuts. Sherrie’s linocuts express her love for the outdoors, from the flora and fauna of the Rocky Mountains of Colorado to the waters of Maine. The beauty and mysteries she discovers in nature inspire York to take a detailed look.

York’s work combines the American and European sensibility to the creative process. The artist finds herself “pushing to put a certain degree of realism in the scene, and at the same time searching for a more interpretive sensibility. Treating the graphic medium of linocut as a watercolor by layering transparent color pushes the boundaries of what’s traditionally thought of as block printing.”

York’s work has been in many national and international juried exhibitions, including Birds in Art at the Woodson Art Museum in Wisconsin (2011-2017), Colorado Governor’s Invitational (2014-2017) at the Loveland Museum in Colorado, and the 2016 and 2017 Coors Western Exhibition & Sale in Denver. She is a signature member of the Society of Animal Artists and currently serves on the SAA board. Learn more about the life and work of Sherrie York, and see her work in person at Ann Korologos Gallery in Basalt.

Linocut Prints by Sherrie York

Sherrie York - Trunk Show 8/22
Sherrie York, “Trunk Show 8/22,” Reduction Linocut, 18 x 18 in
Sherrie York - Watching & Waiting VI - 5/12
Sherrie York, “Watching & Waiting VI – 5/12,” Reduction Linocut, 18 x 18 in
Sherrie York - Standing Still 2/10, UNF
Sherrie York, “Standing Still 2/10, UNF,” Reduction Linocut, 6 x 6 in
Sherrie York - Lean In, Lean Out 8/25, UNF
Sherrie York, “Lean In, Lean Out 8/25, UNF,” Reduction Linocut, 9 x 6 in
Applause from 3 people
Posted in
  • Art & Literature Series
  • Artist Interviews
  • Artists
  • Diving Deeper
  • Sherrie York
  • Videos
  • artist demonstration
  • Bird art
  • columbine
  • flora and fauna
  • printmaking
  • Reduction Linocut